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Sign-Up Book News

When the current Event Book that you are looking for is not in the sign-up area please log in as an “Individual Sign-up” under the member only tab and click on communication under members options and view the check in sheet and the web page signup book. 

Only after the event is gone from the Signup Book area and you are not signed up and you want to, call the Course Rep to see if you can get on.

(Note: Both the Sign-up Book and Check in Sheet may be off this web site for around an hour at this time.)

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Waiting List Application


The Red River Valley Senior Men's Golf Association is all about an organized tour to coordinate and play two or more events weekly for men 60 years and older. We also have an Associate Membership for those active members that have been a Member for at least 10 years. 

We are a club of About 500 Members so we always have a waiting list which you can check on anytime to see your current position in line for active membership. If you are interested in getting on the waiting list, use the link below to fill out an application and mail to us with your check. You must be age 55 or older to get on the list. If you have any questions use the contact us tab and send us a question.